Thursday, July 11, 2013

Stuff That's Happening

The biggest practical problem is my sleep or waking-cycle: typically until noon or later. That’s right, the Erma Bombeck cracks about her adolescent son come to mind immediately. Well, that’s what I am, but at age 59, I do not have almost ANY of that kid’s advantages, certainly not the youth and presumed fitness. Now, I think my doing this writing IS part of a plan for me, because it’s certainly a good way I can put to use all the mental energy that fills my mind all the time. In other words, I “approve” of writing, and who says doing what seems spiritually right couldn’t involve any collaboration, of the “do it MY way” kind. Well, I’ve thoroughly romanticized the idea of writing as the “Golden Thread,” – not the concept in jurisprudence, but the “how do I get OUT of here once I’m finished?” thread needed by Theseus to find his way back out of the labrynth after slaying the Minotaur. And there’s a sense that if I spend some time this way, writing about what’s really going on, it’ll help me solve some of these problems. I might even improve my writing. Continuing, my apartment, here in Veronica’s house, has no electricity since I can’t afford the $250 deposit the power company now wants due to my two previous disconnections in a twelve-month period. I applied for Food Stamps, on the good advice of a friend, and I’m getting $200 per month in Food Assistance, and all I can say is, I’m glad of it, I had to do some legwork to get it, and I need it. I do get some income, as a result of the sale of my apartment building in Portland, but it ain’t too much in terms of living standards: a few hundred dollars per month. I had let myself get talked into the purchase just after my divorce by supposed “friends,” a collection of them, who saw a great opportunity for ….. THEM, as I see it all, in retrospect, and I surely acted the part of the unwitting sucker, but my REAL best interests were not well looked after, given where I’m at now. Still, this continues to prove to be a magnificent existence here on earth, if I'm honest. But with respect to electrical power, thank God I can borrow from my ex, Veronica, and since I got the General Assistance money I was granted by the Selectmen of my town sent to HER, I feel it’s ok to use some of her power, as long as I leave only a tiny “FOOTPRINT,” and I’m trying mightily to do exactly that. For example, I’m testing my computie’s battery power now to do this writing.

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