Saturday, July 6, 2013

First entry: Al's Right NOW!!!!

Right Now

is the name of this blog I’ve decided to begin writing today, when I’m arguably at the height of my human “powers,” and having a devil of a time acting like it. That’s because, although I have somewhat managed, recently, to lower the level of the overall stakes in my life, they’re still pretty high up there in light of my internal pressure gauge: there’re are a lot of things I’m not handling very well. The major ones are employment, thus finances, and the rest are all relatively minor where progress is needed. The major positives, however are my spiritual health, as I think I’m starting to “get it,” at least a bit, and although I’m in terrible shape physically, still I think I’m finally able to put to use my “fear of God” in order to do something about that.
     Let’s see, I’ve got a pool (above-ground, 18,000 gallons, far as I know) to open up, which is filled with tadpoles, and a lot of leaves from last fall (for myself I’ll say that many came into the pool since I did my best winterizing it in October/November last year, so it’s not like I just left it like that – an effort WAS made). The water’s kind of green as you might imagine. Plus I’ve got a good four hours of lawn-mowing to do; fortunately, my neighbor Steve, a gifted motorhead by trade, has revived the mower which captures clippings in a bag, obviating extensive raking of clippings, which reduces overall effort. Thank GOD I like mowing!
Right now, it’s raining again, and I’m so tired of this Pacific Northwest (seemingly constant) precipitation pattern we seem to have acquired in Maine, it’s very easy for me to get dispirited about the outside work on my agenda – not my favorite thing anyway. But the ex-wife AND the beloved Daughter, plus the very interesting PhD son-in-law, AND the beautIFicent granddaughter (five months plus) all arrive in about a month, and I STRONGly wish NOT to demonstrate, when they arrive, the kind of total incapacitation disaster that is starting to have good potential for materializing right (about) now. 

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