Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Recent Dreams & Revelations

My magnificent daughter gave me a dream journal, a slender blue carnet that's wire-bound. I haven't put that much in it, but historically, I don't remember much of my dreams. One stuck out pretty pronouncedly in the last few days. I'm afraid it has dimmed somewhat, but thinking about it does seem to bring it back to some extent, and I feel I owe myself the effort to haul the broad strokes to the surface, as much as possible (amap, like asap).
I'm dealing with some deterioration problems on my beloved car (I think I once named it Buster, but I'm not totally sure....it'll do), so, in a way similar to seeing in my mind's eye highway stripes after a long drive, or daunting moguls -- with my skis crossed of course -- down the slope after skiing, I was seeing out Buster's windshield the table legs of my antique Duncan Phyfe dining room table, rigged with some sort of tires/wheels, instead of a front hood, as I drove along normally. It was a rig reminiscent of the Bat-mobile, somehow. Despite my consternation in the dream at this sight, the stalwart Buster surged along smoothly, like its usual chariot-like self, unperturbed. I had unloaded (sold when possible) quite a number of furniture items during the course of last year, when I moved out of my apartment, in my building I had to sell. I'd moved out because I couldn't even afford to live there, I'm so NOT a real estate tycoon. The building is sold, and I'm liberated in many ways, praise the Lord!!!! But not everything was sold, and I have that three-piece dining room table HERE in my apartment. I was instructed by my mother that this table was one of the most valuable antiques we owned. I saw some documentation to the effect that 40 years ago, it was valued at $1,500. Apparently the two main panels were sister pieces cut from a walnut tree, 29 inches wide, which are BIG boards for walnut.  Too bad there’s not much of a market for antiques these days, but I haven’t given up yet. However, the worst that could happen is I could get to keep it! But this is why the table has been on my mind. Since the car is also of current concern, that’s an interesting combination of things in my subconscious.

The other part of the dream had me seemingly applying for work, and taking tests of some sort, so there were “office people” around, administering these tests to me. My experience was as if I had been drugged, so that I couldn’t perform the tasks involved, and couldn’t articulate what I needed, but there was also a haunting sense that my ineptitude was all part of “The Plan,” and the real purpose of my being there was so that I would eventually comprehend my vast unsuitability for whatever kind of work this was, and these people were trying to demonstrate this to me, perhaps with subtlety, perhaps not, I think sniggering could be detected. Well, I’m looking for work these days, and, for now, I’m going to suppose that my subconscious wishes for me that I will avoid dropping myself in the sort of “jackpot” of misery I’ve plunged into all too many bloody times, as the Brits would say. Halelujah, I’m WARNED!

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